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Photograph of a man covering his face with a blue Little Creeps t-shirt.
Little Creeps printed trading cards.din
Little Creeps plastic toy
A custom-shaped Little Creeps skateboard.
Little Creeps translucent green 3D character with a single giant eyeball and two horns.
Little Creeps stickers
Little Creeps character design sketches
Little Creeps painted character mural in New York City
Little Creeps book

Little Creep #135


Spend a day with Spoot and learn
What friendship’s really worth.
The kindest Creep heart beating
On the whole entire Earth.

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Wheatpasted Little Creeps character illustration on a brick wall in Chicago.
A Little Creeps character tattoo on a man's leg.
A custom Little Creeps skateboard deck in the shape of a coffin.
A beautiful woman with short red hair wearing a pink Little Creeps character design t-shirt.
A composition featuring painted Little Creeps character illustrations, a painted flower pot, and Little Creeps stickers.
A collection of 3D Little Creeps characters.

Little Creep #157


Peepax was a fearsome sort whose name was shrined in fame: as legend goes his lasso knows no Creep that it can’t tame. Despite his size he’d take first prize at rodeos and tourneys, then spend the lawful winnings
on his awful outlaw journeys.

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A Little Creeps character sticker on a glass bus stop.
A Little Creeps 3D character illustration.
Wheatpasted Little Creeps character art on a brick wall outside of Cafe Tola in Chicago.
A bunch of Little Creeps enamel pins on a red background.
A Little Creeps mural at the World Trade Center in New York City.
3D Printed Little Creeps toys on a yellow background.
A 3D illustration of an underwater Little Creeps character.
A Little Creeps tattoo on somebody's forearm.
A painted Little Creeps character at Café Tola in Chicago.

Little Creep #004


Crafty, cunning, four-eyed Vince;
Five long legs, sans fingerprints.
Amply-antlered, heed my word:
His ire's better left unstirred.

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Little Creep #004


Crafty, cunning, four-eyed Vince;
Five long legs, sans fingerprints.
Amply-antlered, heed my word:
His ire's better left unstirred.

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Little Creep #157


Peepax was a fearsome sort
whose name was shrined in fame:
as legend goes his lasso knows
no Creep that it can’t tame.
Despite his size he’d take first prize
at rodeos and tourneys,
then spend the lawful winnings
on his awful outlaw journeys.

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Little Creep #135


Spend a day with Spoot and learn
What friendship’s really worth.
The kindest Creep heart beating
On the whole entire Earth.

Read more on IG